They have some edgy dialouge but agree to work together because aliens r bad. These Guardsmen direct mitchell to find Colonel Q, along the way Mitchell runs into Gay Otacon, a Black Ops sniper.

Sergeant Mitchell then awakes in a god awful rape baby of the walking dead and MGSV opening, and is then confronted by US National Guard that all speak in British accents because fuck it casting is hard. It then absolutely flies past the coolest part of Half Life, The Black Mesa Incident, and cuts to Sergeant Protagonist getting his shit kicked in by Freeman, he utters an edgy sentence to Freeman, and G-Man is so impressed at how chad mitchell is he repeats the dialouge you hear in the trailer. Theres a bootcamp scene, followed by him getting recruited by a HECU guy that walked out of a portal because ?. Drunk Sergeant Mitchell then stumbles upon a USMC recruiting poster, so he joins up. Sergeant Mitchell has a tragic backstory where his mum offs herself or something, he then gets real drunk despite him being portrayed as a child and then a teenager in literally the same scene with no transition. Alright, so here's the best story summary I can come up with